At present the isotope effects connected with high concentration of heavy water (that does not occur in nature), are studied quite well [1]. From extrapolation of obtained data to the region of considerable dilution of heavy water we cannot expect any tangible effects if lowering concentrations of heavy isotopes below the natural level. However, during last decade it was shown that deuterium and heavy oxygen isotopes depleted natural water can have stimulating effect on various biological objects [1-4] and can even exhibit curing properties [4-7].
These results are interesting themselves, because they show that living cell is able to respond to small changes of deuterium content in the water. This is much more surprising while these changes occur at very low absolute level (30 ÷ 150 ppm). At present there is reliable prove, that the isotope composition in the human body is directly connected with the isotope composition of consumed food and water. Taking into account the anomaly large variation of deuterium in the natural water it can be interesting to try to find out how these influence on human health.
In different regions of Russian Federation the number of patients with cancer sicknesses range from 500 to 1600 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants (data of 1990-1991).
In this case the lowest incidence rate is recorded for the North-east regions, areas along the rivers Lena, Irtysh, Ob and its tributaries, as well as areas adjacent to Lake Baikal. It’s interesting to note, that these regions have the lowest concentration of deuterium in the water.
In 1970’s it was proved the existence of “ion filters”, i.e. specialized cell channels through which only some certain charged particles could pass, however for a long period their structure as well as working mechanism was not clear. In 1998 professor Roderick MacKinnon has found that the ions can get into that channel and or get out from them only if they are surrounded with water molecules (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2003). It looks like water molecules are transporting the ions into the channel. For example, if the distance between the K+ ion and oxygen atoms from surrounding it water molecules is the same as between K+ ion and oxygen atoms of the cell channel, then K+ ion can easily come off from water molecules and get into the channel. Na+ ions are smaller than K+ ions and the distance between Na+ ion and oxygen atom in the water molecule is shorter, too. So, the strength of the electrostatic attraction of sodium ions to the surrounding water molecules is more than the force of attraction to the walls of the channel. Hence, sodium ions cannot pass into channel and for their transportation the cells are using other transport mechanism.
The presence of heavy deuterium atoms in the water molecules probably will influence on this transportation. As an argument can be used data, obtained by Somlyai et al. while they studied influence of light water on the pH of medium inside and outside of cells during time
These data show that the system of hydrogen ions transportation reacts on reduction of the concentration of deuterium in the external environment. According to recent data, the process of cell division is run by changing the pH of intracellular environment. So, here we can speak about the fundamental possibility of regulating the processes of division through the change of the deuterium content in the external environment.
According to Varnavski , et al. [4], water containing deuterium at 130 ÷ 135 ppm increases germination as well as growth rate of seedlings of legumes, sunflower and wheat better than it acts with known plant growth stimulators fumar and fumarine. Broths of such water, obtained from medicinal plants, according to their biological activity are 1,5 times stronger than ordinary broths made using distillate water.
Below are sufficiently indicative results on the cultivation of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana in the water with
different deuterium content [2].
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Interesting to note, that reduction of deuterium from the normal level (near 155ppm) till 90 ppm causes much greater effect than if the concentration is increase for more than 500 ppm.
Bio-tests of water on the seeds of oat
These tests were performed by method described in [8]. It was discovered that light weight water increased the percent of oat seeds germination. At the same time light water has strong stimulating influence on the roots of oat seeds too – lighter is water, faster the growth rate of the oat shots.
Note: the data of presented above material are taken from article “Main effects of light water” (by Timakov A.A.) which was presented in 8-th Russian International Scientific Conference of “Physical-chemical processes during selection of atoms and molecules”, 6-10 November, 2003. See Russian version in
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